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Welcome to Astro Vastu Pooja

The most reliable website on occult matters, run by the most respected professionals in these fields themselves. Get Benefited. Pt. Dhiraj Baluni belongs to a Brahmin family. He has a 25-year great experience in astrology, vastu, pooja path, and hawan. His interest in Spiritualism, occult science, astrology, vastu, karmkanda, and other religious matters has been passed down since the time of his late Grandfather Pt. He has been actively associated with many Astrologers and discusses various aspects of Vedic Astrology for his better experiences.

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Pandit Ji in Ghaziabad

About Our Astro Vastu Pooja

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Pt. Dhiraj Baluni belongs to a Brahmin family. He has a great interest in Spiritualism, Occult Sciences, Astrology, Karmkanda and other religious rituals, since the time of his late Grand Father Pt. Narendra Sharma, who was a great Astrologer of his time. Although Pt. Baluni was a student of Science, his family atmosphere greatly influenced him to learn Astrology, and it became a turning point in his life when he changed his mind to have a career in Astrology. In fact, he had started learning Astrology from his Grand father right from his childhood days. He decided to carry forward the faith of his forefathers on Astrology.

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क्या आपके साथ रिश्तों से संबंधित समस्याएं हैं? (Are you suffering from relationship problems?)

जी हां, हम वैदिक ज्योतिष द्वारा आपके रिश्तों में समस्याओं का समाधान कर सकते हैं, ताकि आप अपने संबंधों को बेहतर बना सकें।



नकारात्मक ऊर्जा हटाना और बुरी नजर? (Remove negative energy and evil eye?)


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